Monday, March 31, 2014


The April book for discussion is The Boleyn King by Laura Andersen.  Andersen's book answers the question: What if Anne Boleyn had a son?  Henry VIII divorces Catherine, marries Anne, and that's it.  No beheading, no more wives.  How might things have played out?

Alternate histories are fun reads as they allow you to reimagine history.  How would the world be different?  Would these changes make a difference at all?

The Boleyn King is the first entry in the Boleyn series:
The Boleyn King
The Boleyn Deceit
The Boleyn Reckoning (coming in July)

Interested in more alternate histories?  Try one of the titles listed below.

11/22/63 by Stephen King
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
The Guns of the South by Harry Turtledove
Fatherland by Robert Harris
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln by Stephen Carter
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth

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