Monday, March 21, 2022


Are you a fan of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries?  Then, this is the blog post for you!  

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective that was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Holmes is best known for his abilities of observation, deduction, and reasoning that he utilizes while solving cases.  Numerous movie and TV adaptations of been made based off the original works.  If you have already read the original works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (or watched some of the television shows and movies), you may be interested in some of these spinoffs and retellings.

Adult Fiction:

The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King
A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas
Mycroft Holmes by Kareem Abdul-Jabar
Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz
Dust and Shadow by Lyndsay Faye
The Baker Street Letters by Michael Robertson
The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes by Leonard Goldberg
A Study in Pink by Steven Moffat
The Baker Street Four by Jean-Blaise Djian

Children's Fiction:
Sherlock Holmes and the Disappearing Diamonds by Sam Hearn 

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